Kiowa County is situated in the eastern Great Plains of Colorado.  There are 7 irrigation reservoirs within Kiowa County.  When full, the lakes have a combined surface area of 23 square miles (14,645 acres) and 58 miles of shoreline.  Six of the seven reservoirs are in a cluster called the Great Plains Reservoirs situated 12 miles south of Eads.  Adobe Creek Reservoir (Blue Lake) is situated 15 miles south of Haswell in the western part of the county.  These reservoirs offer warm water fishing, water sports and waterfowl hunting.  Bird watchers enjoy the wide variety of waterfowl, shore birds, prairie songbirds and raptors. 


The least tern, piping plover, mountain plover, snowy plover, lesser prairie chickens and burrowing owls are threatened or endangered species which are found in various habitats in the county.  Bald and golden eagles and the largest wintering population of lesser snow geese in Colorado are found on the reservoirs.  Canadian geese and other waterfowl also winter in the area. Lesser sandhill cranes are fall and spring visitors.


Although most hunting in Kiowa County is on private land where permission is required, hunters have public access to a management area administered by the Colorado Division of Wildlife around the Great Plains Reservoirs.  Hunting for snow and Canadian geese in the management area is available on a first come first serve basis.  Each year the Division of Wildlife digs hunting pits in the field for decoy hunting and around the lakes for firing lines.

Healthy populations of mule deer, white tailed deer and antelope are found throughout the county.  Upland game includes pheasant, scaled quail, morning dove, cottontail and jack rabbits.  Furbearers include coyote, badger, skunk, red fox and swift fox.


Area reservoirs are excellent warm water fisheries.  Wiper, saugeye, walleye, crappie, channel catfish, largemouth bass, bullhead, drum and carp are abundant.  Fish of 5 pounds and up are common.  Public access exists on Adobe Creek (Blue Lake), Neegronda, Neenoshe, Neeskah (upper Queens and lower Queens) Reservoirs. 

Neesopah (Sweetwater and Jet Lake) are surrounded by privately held land.  Boating is permitted on all lakes with public access except during the waterfowl hunting seasons.  There are no marinas for boating supplies or fuel.


Unimproved camping is available without fee on all lakes with public access.  There is one private campground (Cottonwood Park) on the north side of Neegronda Reservoir.  Cottonwood Park has water, shower and bathroom facilities and limited electrical hookups. Public toilets are available at Adobe, Neenoshe, Negronda, and Neeskah.  Full service camping is also available at the Eads Econo Lodge (10 miles north of the lakes).

PO Box 250
Eads, CO 81036
Ph. (719) 438-2200
Fax (719) 438-2280
 E-mail us at kcedf@kcedfonline.org

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Revised: 09/21/15 04:16:13 PM