American Legion

For information call:  Bill Woelk (719) 438-5382


Baby Bear Hugs Volunteer Meeting

When:              3rd Thursday

Time:                4:30 PM

Advisory Board meeting

When:              3rd Friday

Time:                12:00 PM

Contact:           Tina Craft

Phone:              (719) 438-5782


Chamber of Commerce – Eads

(719) 438-5590

PO Box 169

Eads, CO  81036


Haswell Recreation

Co-sponsors dances and community suppers, supervised gymnasium

Contact:           Deborah Davis, President

Phone:              (719) 436-2371

Crow-Luther Arts Center

For information call:

Betsy Barnett (719) 438-2218 


Eads Golf and Country Club

Privately owned course, open to the public.


Eads Senior Citizen Center

Ceramics Mondays and Tuesdays all day,

Meals on Wheels, Quilting 2nd Tuesday each month, Cards on Monday nights.

(719) 438-5678


Eagle Booster Club

For information call Marilyn Baxter

(719) 438-3499


Kings Daughters

Women of Sheridan Lake Bible Church

When:              3rd Thursday each month

For information call (719) 729-3499


Kiowa County 4-H Council

When:              3rd Sunday each month

Phone:              (719) 438-5321


Lions Club

Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month,

Bingo 2nd Thursday each month 7:00 PM

Contact:           Mike McCloud

Phone:              (719) 438-5658


Masonic Lodge

Meetings September through May

When:              1st and 3rd Thursday each  Month

Contact:           Dave Crow

Phone:              (719) 438-5805


Hunter Education Range & Mixed Bag Club

Trap, 3D Archery, Pistols, Rifle and Sporting Clays.
Trap shooting league March through September.

Contact:       Rod Johnson (719) 438-5722

Marty Miller (719) 438-5720


Eads Progressive FCE Club

For information call Hazel Krueger

(719) 438-5715



When:               2nd and 4th Tuesday monthly

Where:             Odd Fellows Hall

Time:                 Summer 8:00 PM, Winter 7:00 PM

Contact:           Fay Barber (719) 438-5385


Senior Citizens-Brandon, Towner, Sheridan Lake

When:              1st Monday Pot Luck dinner

Where:             Community Hall

Time:                12:00 PM

Ceramics every Monday 9:00AM – 4:00PM



Dinner meeting and program

When:              Last Saturday each month

Time:                6:30 PM

For more information call Ray Aldridge at (719) 438-5887


Weisbrod Hospital and Nursing Home Auxiliary

When:              3rd Tuesday each month

For more information call Alice Weil, resident (719) 438-5498


West End Golden Age Seniors

When:              1st Wednesday each month

What:               Business meeting supper

Wanda Lessenden, Director (719) 436-2359


WIFE (Women In Farm Economics)

When:              2nd Tuesday each month

What:               Supports farm economics

Contact Kathy Burrows (719) 727-4025


PO Box 250
Eads, CO 81036
Ph. (719) 438-2200
Fax (719) 438-2280
 E-mail us at 

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Revised: 09/21/15 04:16:11 PM